2024 Point in Time Count

Point in Time Count for Families in Orange County

What is the Point in Time Count?

The Point In Time is a count of individuals and families experiencing homelessness. The count provides vital information that helps the County of Orange and the Orange County Continuum of Care better understand homelessness in the community and guides the response to homelessness in Orange County. It is important families experiencing homelessness are accurately represented in this count.

If you are working with a family who is literally homeless (staying in a car/RV, on the streets, storage unit, shed, etc… or a motel paid for by a 3rd party social service agency, including a Church) please encourage them to participate and be counted!

Families can receive a gift card, PPE and a snack for completing the survey. Families can drop-in or call to schedule a time to come to a family Access Point. Please see the flyer below for additional information, inlcuding locations and hours.

A family must include a minor child aged 0-17 or pregnant.

If you are working with a family who is staying in an emergency shelter or transitional housing, they will be counted separately and will not be eligible to be counted through a Family Access Point.

The 2024 Point in Time Count data can be found HERE.

The next Point in Time Count will be in January 2026.