August 2022 Member Spotlight: Laura’s House

Since 1994, Laura’s House has continued to grow and offer a multitude of programs and services which provide vital support and education aimed at avoiding such tragic circumstances from ever occurring again. Many families end up experiencing homelessness when escaping a violent environment.

Laura’s House has provided 915,000 unduplicated domestic violence-related services to residents of Orange County, California and beyond. Over the past 24 years, Laura’s House has provided shelter and supportive services to more than 5,000 abused women, men and children and counseling, life skills education and legal advocacy to over 55,000 persons.

Today, Laura’s House continues to be the only state-approved comprehensive domestic violence agency in South Orange County. Annually, Laura’s House provides residential shelter services, transitional housing, counseling and workshops, and legal services to thousands of individuals. Over 2,500 crisis calls come in each year on to their 24/7 Crisis Hotline.

Their target population is families experiencing the effects of domestic violence in need of emergency shelter, support, education and counseling. Laura’s House operates on the philosophy that domestic violence is multi-dimensional and often cyclical in nature and must be addressed through a range of interventions. Their goal is to provide supportive service programs that will prepare their clients and children to live independent and violence free lives, with an emphasis on education and prevention for future generations.


To change social beliefs, attitudes and the behaviors that perpetuate domestic violence while creating a safe space in which to empower individuals and families affected by abuse.

Laura’s House Programs Serve the Entire Family

Through the comprehensive domestic violence programs and services at Laura’s House, victims of domestic violence receive the time and the tools necessary to live healthy, independent, and violence-free lives.

By reducing risk factors and providing the information, education, life skills and support Laura’s House is able to break the cycle of domestic violence and empower victims to move beyond the abuse and live fulfilling lives.

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These programs include:

  • Crisis Hotline Support
  • Available 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week
  • Resources, referrals and safety planning
  • Emergency Shelter (45-day program) Provides shelter, support and case management for women, men and children. Provides safe refuge through residential shelter, therapy, life skills and case management.
  • Children’s Programs – Provides therapeutic preschool and Kid’s Club and a therapeutic after school program for Shelter residents.
  • Counseling and Resource Center – Provides individual and group counseling, workshops and domestic violence information and resources.
  • Legal Services – Provides assistance with restraining orders, court support and monthly legal clinic for free attorney consultations.
  • Outreach and Education – Provides community education, prevention education, healthy dating habits for teens (H.E.A.R.T.) and community engagement.
  • Transitional Housing – Provides transitional housing (3-6 months) and supportive services extend the amount of time clients work towards overall stability and goal oriented planning in their life.

In addition to the programs above, since 1995, Laura’s House has maintained a Resale Store to support the funding of their programs and services. It also has provided much-needed items for their clients who are beginning new, violence free lives as well as members of the community.

Share an innovative approach you have used to prevent and solve family homelessness:

In an effort to reduce the probability of clients returning to homelessness or their abuser we changed the amount of time a family or individual could stay at our transitional home from 6 months to up to 12 months. We have found this highly successful because it has allowed the client to save more money for a deposit and a few months rent for an apartment as well as having some money to fall back on if needed. It also provides more time for a client to meet with a case manager learning the life skills necessary to live independently with sustainability. The clients are also provided therapy for the full year to help with any unresolved traumas or mental health needs that would inhibit their ability to thrive. In addition, it creates and models a more stable environment for them to habituate to and normalizes a new lifestyle.

How has your agency reduced barriers for families to access services and what did you learn in the process?

We found that our shelter clients were receiving so many benefits from case management services that we began these services for our outpatient clients in Aliso Viejo and Garden Grove. This model focuses more on prevention, so they do not have to become homeless before taking action to help them find the resources they need. We also help them coordinate services for the legal, food, medical, immigration and other items as needed.

How does your agency outwardly demonstrate your commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in the programs and services you provide?

This commitment is woven into our values and we believe that our organization is strongest when we embrace the full spectrum of humanity, regardless of what we look like, where we come from, or whom we love. We value fair treatment, access, opportunity and advancement, while at the same time striving to identify and eliminate barriers that could prevent the full participation of marginalized groups. We endeavor to create an environment in which our staff, clients and then community feel welcomed, respected, supported and valued. All Laura’s House staff participate in ongoing cultural competency, equity and inclusion training to best understand the needs of the marginalized communities we serve and ensure that our services are provided in a client-centered and equitable manner for all.

Thanks, Laura’s House for your dedication to helping to ensure that family homelessness is brief, rare and nonrecurring!

To learn more about our member, Laura’s House, visit: