Family Homelessness in OC, CA January 2025

Current Snapshot of Family Homelessness in OC

Every month, the FSC will be releasing our monthly snapshot of Family Homelessness in Orange County. Often times, homeless families are invisible and because we don’t see them everyday, we don’t realize how many children and parents are sleeping in their cars, tents and other places not meant for human habitation.

We are so proud of deep commitment and collaboration of all of our FSC members, working to prevent, divert and house families in an equitable, coordinated and timely manner.

While we know this is just a snapshot and doesn’t capture all homeless families in Orange County, we continue to work to ensure homelessness is rare, brief and one-time only.

Note: FSC uses the HUD (Housing and Urban Development) definition of homelessness: Individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence (example: car, tent, street, emergency shelter, motel paid for by a 3rd party social service agency). CoC and ESG Homeless Eligibility – Category 1: Literally Homeless – HUD Exchange

Homeless famlies

Families Currently Experiencing Homelessness
in Orange County, CA – January 2025

Homeless Adults
Homeless Children Age 0-5
Homeless Children Age 6-17
Families in Shelter
Unsheltered Families
Total Families Receiving Family CES Services Data as of February 3rd
Families Reconnected to Natural Support System to Resolve Homelessness
Families with children Moved into Permanent Housing

Requests for Services

For more information on getting connected with services, please visit our ‘Get Help’ page at,

Family Solutions Collaborative
Family Service Request Forms Received
Families Waiting for Shelter