Our Members

Our members are diverse in geography and in the programs and services they provide. While at the same time, committed to collaborative, system-level, best-practices, to help end family homelessness in Orange County.

American Family Housing
Casa Teresa
City Net
Colette's Children's Home
Families Forward
family promise of orange county
Habitat for Humanity
Homeaid Orange County
Human Options
Illumination Foundation
Interval House
Laura's House
Mercy House
Project Hope Alliance
South County Outreach
StandUp for Kids
Tustin Temporary Shelter
The Salvation Army OC

Family Solutions Collaborative Members

The Family Solutions Collaborative has identified six areas of focus to bring the collective impact of best practices and resources to advance the system of care for homeless families in Orange County. These include:

  1. Coordinated Entry System to meet family needs
  2. Comprehensive housing options are available and optimally utilized to meet the need
  3. Prevention and Diversion Strategies that reduce inflow into the system to reduce family homelessness
  4. Effective data and performance management systems
  5. Community engagement and collective efforts around the shared goal of ending family homelessness
  6. Bed Reservation System for FSC Family Shelters and compliance with the FSC Shared Family Shelter Guidelines

FSC Membership Requirements

Members of the FSC sign a formal MOU and commit to at a minimum, the following:

  • Member agency has a primary goal to serve literally homeless families or families at-risk of homelessness in Orange County, CA with children ages 0-17, including pregnant women, or re-unifying with minor-aged children.
  • Member agency is committed to a Housing First model in their programs and services. (Review the US Interagency Council on Homelessness checklist HERE) and the model is reflected in the programs and services and is part of their written policies and procedures.
  • Member agency must operate at least one of the following programs: Homeless prevention, Rapid Rehousing, Permanent and Supportive Housing, Homeless Street Outreach, Housing Vouchers, Outreach Services Emergency Shelter or Transitional Housing. If an agency provides Emergency Shelter, they are committed to the practices set forth in the FSC Shared Family Shelter Guidelines found HERE
  • Member agency is committed to using client-centered Diversion strategies, and this is reflected in your programs and services. Learn more about Diversion strategies HERE
  • Member agency is committed to providing Trauma-Informed services and is reflected in your programs and services, policies, and procedures, including ongoing training to staff (Review the US Interagency Council on Homelessness best-practice guide on Trauma-Informed services HERE)
  • Member agency is committed to non-discrimination in the provision of services and will accept families and their family members regardless of race, religion or lack thereof, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical disability, marital status and is reflected in your programs and services, written policies and procedures and ongoing staff training.
  • If the Member is a housing provider, the agency shall share housing their housing opportunities with the Coordinated Entry System and participate in the Family Coordinated Entry System.
  • Member agency must be a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization.
  • Member agency participates in the Family Coordinated Entry System (Family CES) and utilizes the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) database. Domestic Violence / Victim Service organizations are exempt from the HMIS requirement but shall be amenable to working with an FSC Access Point to provide de-identified data of DV / VS families participating in FCES, to show outcomes and impact. DV / VS providers will work collectively towards integrating client data into HMIS. DV / VS Providers are excluded from the Bed Reservation System.
  • Member agencies participate in and contribute to county-wide FSC projects.
  • For more information on FSC Membership, please email info@oc-fsc.org