October 2022 Member Spotlight: Salvation Army Orange County

For more than 130 years, The Salvation Army has been feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and changing the lives of countless men, women, and children in Southern California. 

The Salvation Army operates a 325-bed shelter—in Anaheim, Ca—that provides homeless individuals with a clean, safe place to stay. Their services include food, clothing, counseling, housing, case management, health services, pet care, recovery, job search assistance and integrated employment programs. These programs provide tools and resources to help transform lives and provide hope for a brighter future.  

Mission: holistically aid low-income families and individuals in North and Central Orange County through financial assistance and case management services. 

As of Fall 2020, the following support has been offered: 

  • Partial Rent and Utility Assistance 
  • Food Distribution (Available at Anaheim Red Shield) 
  • EAF and GAF United Way Utility Program 
  • Resources & Referrals
  • Seasonal Assistance 

The Salvation Army provides many facilities, programs and services that encourage positive living, offer life-changing experiences for children and adults, and strengthen families. 

 The Salvation Army Orange County currently operates two homeless shelters, anti-trafficking programs, community centers, and family services in Orange County. 


We asked the Salvation Army to share an innovative approach they have used to prevent and solve family homelessness. This is what they had to share: 

The Salvation Army through the Family Services Program assists families with rental assistance, case management, food and gas vouchers, utility assistance, seasonal programs, and other basic needs. 

How has the Salvation Army reduced barriers for families to access services? 

To reduce barriers for families, we offer an on-call application process, which eliminates in-person meetings. We also provide a case manager that focuses on each area (North, Central, and South) of Orange County, providing a more thorough and focused service for families. 

How does the Salvation Army outwardly demonstrate commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in the programs and services provided? 

The Salvation Army is committed to assisting families and individuals regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disabilities, and religious and political beliefs. This is demonstrated through services offered and love for people and their families.  

What is one sentence for how the Salvation Army visions ending family homelessness? 

By holistically assisting low-income families by meeting basic needs and providing financial assistance, emotional/spiritual support, and case management services.

To learn more about our member, Salvation Army OC, visit: https://orangecounty.salvationarmy.org/orange_county_ca/