
Family Solutions Collaborative Subcommittees

The Data and Advocacy Committee of the Families Solutions Collaborative (FSC) supports the scope and quality of the FSC data-driven activities for the organization. The committee assures that goals, projects, services, and activities are consistent with the mission and vision of FSC.

Duties of the Data and Advocacy Committee
The Data and Advocacy Committee members shall be members of current FSC Member agencies and shall:
1. The Committee shall meet monthly to meet its commission.
2. Monitor the data trends of the work of the FSC. Identify projects or scopes of work related to the work of the FSC, that supports ending a family’s housing crisis in a prompt, equitable and coordinated manner.
3. Monitor the changing needs and interests of the population in the FSC service area and report these changes to the Executive Committee.
4. Promote benchmarking studies to gather information needed to make decisions and better shape FSC projects, to improve functional outcomes across the collaborative.
5. Produce meaningful public-facing reports and data dashboards in collaboration with the Marketing and Messaging Committee which demonstrated progress through data.
6. Monitor and assess the reporting, dashboard, data and compliance efforts of the Collaborative, to ensure that they are in keeping with organization standards and goals.
7. Foster a culture of best practices, high standards for improvements and innovation amongst the programs and services of the Collaborative.
8. Support and promote best practices in family emergency and transitional housing, prevention, diversion and housing support throughout the Orange County community for families.
9. Foster relationships and partnerships with other organizations, service providers, community leaders, and businesses throughout the service area to share best practices, evaluate potential alignments and efficiencies, and develop best-in-class homeless prevention support through-out the Orange County community.
10. Establish and record chart of work and associated deliverables required to accomplish it. Track progress in written form and present results to the Executive Committee at the regular, ongoing meetings.
*Work established by the Committee which impacts the capacity of the FSC staff shall be approved by the FSC Executive Director.

Current Data and Advocacy Committee Co-Chairs:
Nishtha Mohendra, Chief Program Officer, Families Forward
Dr. Pooja Bhalla, Chief Executive Officer, Illumination Foundation

Lead FSC Staff:
Carrie Buck, Executive Director
Jocelyn Morales, Family System Administrator

Family Solutions Collaborative